(931) 520-8435

Self Esteem Therapy

We want to help you build your confidence and self-respect in order to achieve your highest potential.

Do You Struggle To Believe In Yourself?

Do you often harshly criticize yourself? Is it difficult for you to recognize your strengths? Maybe you rarely assert yourself, speak up and state your views, even when you are with your close friends or loved ones. Or perhaps you have stopped taking care of your body and routinely engage in unhealthy habits. When faced with a difficult situation, do you feel like you do not deserve respect or happiness? Do you feel unheard and disrespected at work? Maybe your family members have made decisions for you because you tend to take a passive stance. Do you worry that others think poorly of you? Do you wish you could confidently live a joyful life while also getting the respect you deserve?

Living with low self-esteem can cause you to feel hopeless and overwhelmed with worry throughout the day. It may also weaken relationships with your loved ones and hold you back from achieving your highest potential in life. In fact, how you feel about yourself affects every aspect of your life. You may avoid making suggestions at work meetings because of worry that your ideas will be shot down by the group. You may struggle to connect with your partner because you fear telling him or her what you really want or need. Thinking negatively about yourself can also make you feel sad, lethargic and confused. Furthermore, you may fear social interactions because you worry you will say something foolish or embarrassing.

Living With Low Self-Esteem Is Very Common

In the process of growing up and living in a negative world, it’s common for individuals to struggle to form a positive self-concept of themselves. This may be because of emotional input from others or because of perceived failures in honesty, responsibility, integrity and self-assertiveness. In fact, an individual’s low self-esteem can even be rooted in undermining experiences he or she had as a child.

Unfortunately, low self-esteem can cause an individual to spiral down into other emotional and behavioral issues, as well as physical problems. Apart from biological issues, almost all psychological difficulties – including anxiety, depression, fear of intimacy, excess alcohol and drug abuse, underachievement at work or school, domestic violence, child abuse, emotional immaturity, sexual dysfunction, suicide and other crimes – can be directly traced to a poor self-esteem. Because there is such a strong mind/body connection, many physiological disorders, diseases and chronic pain are also related to a poor self-esteem.

Self-esteem is the immune system of consciousness. It is also the key to success or failure in any endeavor. The good news is that with self-esteem therapy, you can start feeling more confident and treat yourself with respect.

Gain The Confidence And Respect You Deserve Through Self-Esteem Therapy

The experienced therapists at Personal Growth Counseling incorporate compassionate self-esteem therapy into all of our counseling sessions. No matter whether you are struggling with overwhelming worry or daunting hopelessness, your therapist will incorporate tools and techniques specifically designed to help boost your self-esteem.

Personal Growth Counseling also offers annual group self-esteem therapy sessions in which you and a group of peers can work together, learn from one another and ultimately find the personal strength and resilience to overcome negative thoughts. In the past, these groups have yielded extraordinary results and participating individuals have undergone positive transformations.

Both in the group setting and in individual therapy sessions, your therapist will teach you the six pillars of self-esteem: living consciously, self-acceptance, self-responsibility, self-assertiveness, living purposely and personal integrity. The seventh pillar that you will build up to is the willingness to live with a healthy self-esteem using all of the six pillars in conjunction.

During self-esteem therapy sessions, your therapist will teach you a multitude of techniques on how to live with self-confidence and self-respect on a day-to-day basis. One particularly helpful technique you will learn is the practice of mindfulness. Mindfulness incorporates breathing techniques and the use of essential oils to help you feel grounded in the present and not dwell on past events.

In addition to learning how to love yourself, observe your strength, be accountable for your actions, speak up when you need to say something, find your purpose, cope with trouble and treat your body with respect, you will also have the chance to develop your creativity through art therapy and journaling.

Since 1994, the therapists at Personal Growth Counseling have helped countless adults improve their self-esteem and live a confident and resilient lives. In addition, our practice has hosted self-esteem group sessions for 14 years. Even though low self-esteem may be affecting many areas of your life, there is help and hope for a bright and joyful future. Self-esteem therapy, in a group setting or in individual counseling sessions, can help you build your confidence and ultimately feel more heard and respected by others.


I am interested in self-esteem therapy, but still have a few questions and concerns…

1. Self-esteem seems too prideful. What about living life with humility?

You can still be a humble person with a healthy self-esteem. In fact, in self-esteem therapy, your therapist will teach you that taking good care of yourself goes hand-in-hand with treating others with respect. When you truly start loving yourself, you will have the opportunity to make your world better and improve the lives of others as well.

2. Is group self-esteem therapy just a group of shared miseries?

You may have been in group therapy sessions before where you mostly talked about the negative experiences in your life. Our group self-esteem therapy sessions are very different. Instead of just sharing your experiences, you will have the chance to be honest with one another, learn effective techniques to boost your self-esteem and reach out to the group when you need support. The group environment is conducive to learning hands-on and innovative approaches that others have found helpful in their day-to-day lives.

3. My negative thoughts are not overwhelming all of the time. Do I really need therapy?

Although you may not suffer from constant feelings of sadness or hopelessness, sporadic negative thinking patterns can quickly escalate into larger problems. The sooner you seek depression treatment, the better your chances are for a fast and effective recovery. In depression treatment sessions, you can learn techniques that can help you handle future hurdles in your life. When you are faced with negative emotions down the road, you will have the tools and confidence to move forward.

4. How do I know if I can afford counseling?

Even though financial problems and seeking therapy may seem like a Catch-22, we take all personal insurance and are a part of the TN Cares program. Some services are available on a sliding scale with verification of income. Therapy is also an investment in your family’s future. By spending the time, energy and money now, you could save yourself the money and stress of more troubling problems later.

You Are Worthy Of Happiness

If you are ready to build your confidence and self-respect in order to achieve your highest potential, we invite you to call us for a complimentary 20-minute phone consultation. We’re happy to discuss your specific needs and how self-esteem therapy or group self-esteem therapy can help you.

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