(931) 520-8435

Mindfulness Therapy

Regain Focus, Meaning, & Connection

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Goal Setting

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Helping You Find Success With Mindfulness Therapy

Do You Lack Focus, Awareness Or Intention In Your Life?

Regardless of whether you suffer from a mood disorder, anxiety, trauma or addiction, you may feel a lack of focus, meaning and connection within your present life. Losing a sense of who you are or grappling with whom you have become can trigger problems throughout your day. It is possible that your connections with loved ones have dwindled. Or maybe you’ve lost sight of your long-term goals, making your work life seem meaningless. As you feel less in control of your life, your self-esteem may have been negatively impacted, increasing your sense of disconnection from yourself, others and your goals. The good news is that mindfulness therapy can help you become more present, improve relationships and experience more joy in your life.

Understanding Mindfulness Therapy

Mindfulness is an effective practice in every type of therapy. Through the use of breathing techniques, essential oils and theta music, mindfulness therapy can help you improve interpersonal relationships, mitigate distressed thoughts, set positive goals, increase self-esteem and sharpen all five senses.

Mindfulness therapy works by calming your mind and acquiring a sense of tranquility. Once you are in a relaxed state, you have the ability to deepen your awareness and gain clarity about what is blocking you from your aspirations. During mindfulness therapy sessions, you can focus on what you already have, what you can gain in life and actions you can take to reach your goals.

This empowering practice teaches you to observe and be fully present in your life. Breathing exercises, essential oils and theta music help put the body in a complete sense of “now” by allowing you to focus on present sounds, smells and feelings.

Some may compare mindfulness practices to some meditative states of yoga, and perhaps Eastern religions. However, mindfulness therapy can be found in Christianity as well. The Bible states, “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).

Through Mindfulness Therapy You Can Be In The Present And Improve Your Future

At Personal Growth Counseling, we incorporate mindfulness into most of our therapy sessions. It is a powerful tool often used as an opening technique in the beginning of individual sessions to help you feel calm and safe, which sets the tone for the remainder of the session. Following the exercise, your therapist will usually ask what is on your mind in order to better understand your situation and highest priorities.

During group sessions, we will often include a unit on mindfulness. For example, during our self-esteem building group meetings, mindfulness therapy has helped our clients better appreciate their present abilities. And, in our trauma and abuse recovery groups, clients use mindfulness therapy practices to calm their mental state so they can move past difficult memories and emotions.

We often recommend journaling as a homework assignment for those who take part in mindfulness therapy. Because mindfulness encourages you to focus on the present and your senses, journaling can help you become more aware of what is continually lingering on your mind.

Mindfulness therapy has helped countless clients who have struggled with trauma, mood disorders, ADHD, anxiety, OCD, poor sleep patterns, anger, chronic pain, memory difficulties, eating disorders and addictions. In general, mindfulness therapy practices help you define your intention and increase your awareness – ultimately helping you understand how much you can control and manifest in your life.

Find Focus And Build Intent With Mindfulness Therapy

If you are ready to feel calm, restored and present in life, we invite you to call us for a complimentary 20-minute phone consultation to discuss your needs and how the empowering practice of mindfulness therapy can help you focus on improving your present life.

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