(931) 520-8435

Aroma Therapy

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Helping You Find Success With Aromatherapy & Theta Music

Are You Struggling To Make Positive Changes In Your Life?

Depression, anxiety, relationship issues, ADHD, chronic pain and illnesses can all make it difficult to focus on goals and make positive changes in your life. You may have sought relief through books, medications or traditional therapy sessions, but didn’t find the focus and clarity necessary to achieve your goals. Perhaps you are interested in seeking therapy, but worry that anxiety, traumatic memories or painful emotions will hinder the healing process.

The good news is that there is hope. Aromatherapy and theta music can help you reach a state of peace and clarity of mind, which can help build the strong foundation needed for effective therapy.

Understanding Aromatherapy 

Essential oils are the aromatic liquids found within shrubs, flowers, trees, roots bushes, resins and seeds. These oils are known as nature’s living energy. Inhaling certain essential oils heightens the senses and can have many positive effects. At Personal Growth Counseling, we use the oils in certain types of therapy along with relaxing music to deepen the therapy experience. Many are calming and soothing and allow for a less painful telling of your story.

Studies have proven that smell reaches the brain the fastest of all of the senses. Aromatherapy utilizes this powerful gateway to the brain. Aromatherapy—the use of therapeutic essential oils—can be beneficial when used in conjunction with most other types of therapy because of its calming effect. Often, oils are either applied directly to the skin or diffused in the air at the beginning of a therapy session. The use of essential oils in breathing exercises and mindfulness work enables you to take home the skills you can use to stop a panic attack, relieve a deeply depressed mood and decrease the impact of a flashback.

Through aromatherapy, you can experience a clearer, more relaxed and peaceful state of mind, which can improve your focus throughout your therapy session. Each type of essential oil targets specific emotions in order to enhance and deepen your therapy experience.

About Theta Music

Another tool useful for setting a calming tone to therapy sessions is theta music. Theta music, in which sound waves typically range between 4-7 Hz in frequency, induces deep relaxation by appealing to the subconscious mind. Studies have found that listening to theta music increases activity in the right hemisphere of the brain, which is closely associated with our emotions.

When you listen to theta music, it can feel like the world is slightly slowing down. As the music helps to move you into a relaxed and hypnotic state, you may experience a decrease in negative thinking and feel more compassionate toward yourself. In this calm state, you can reach a deeper level of understanding and wisd

How It Works

Aromatherapy And Theta Music Set The Tone For Effective, Focused And Restorative Therapy Sessions


At Personal Growth Counseling, our esteemed therapists use aromatherapy and theta music to successfully help clients in a variety of treatment situations.Our therapists use targeted essential oils to help clients with anxiety, depression, ADHD, chronic pain and relationship issues. Joy, harmony and valor essential oils are among the most commonly used in sessions. If you suffer from negative thoughts or depression, joy oil, used in conjunction with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), can help you connect with the positive aspects of what you are going through. Harmony oil can help you and your loved ones cut down on conflict and focus on prosperous relationships. And valor oil can help relieve stressful emotions. It works especially well for test or performance anxiety. Many other essential oils are equally solutions-focused and effective.

Similarly, theta music can enhance your therapy experience. Theta music acts like a psychological immune system, helping you to promote positive emotional and behavioral changes in your life. Through its ability to relax your mind, theta music can help you let go of stress and discover different ways of being. When you are in a relaxed state, your ability to take positive action and create change increases. For example, if you suffer from trauma, theta music can set a positive tone, helping you build confidence and address issues and emotions that may have seemed insurmountable before.

Our clients have also experienced profound relief from interpersonal relationship problems with the help of theta music. If you’re struggling to connect with your partner or your family, theta music can target specific areas of your brain in order to start regulating your emotions in a healthy manner. Ultimately, once you improve the regulation of your emotions, you can establish and maintain strong relationships with your loved ones.

The use of essential oils and theta music with effective psychotherapy takes advantage of brain science by using senses to elicit positive responses. They profoundly enhance other therapeutic techniques in order to heal damaged emotions and empower our clients.

Let Aromatherapy And Theta Music Lay A Foundation For Success

 If you are ready to use your senses to guide you toward positive change in your life, we invite you to call us. We will do a complimentary 20-minute phone consultation to discuss your needs and how aromatherapy and theta music can help you.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start A New Path Today!